We will be holding the 2025 Festival of Colors from Friday June 6th through Sunday June 8th, taking place on the beach off the Chance A La Mer access road in downtown Ocean Shores. The festival will kick off at dusk on friday with the Lighted Kite Fly, then saturday will have the Kid's Kite Making, Running of the Bowls, and Mass Ascensions events. Please see our Facebook page for the most up to date info. We hope to see you on the beach!
Also, Grays Harbor Festival of Colors is pleased to announce that Quad Squad Northwest will once again be your Festivals Featured Fliers for the 2025 Kite Festival. This will be a real treat for all who come to enjoy this years Festival. Welcome and Thank you to QSNW!! Head over to the video tab if you want to see them in action!
Grays Harbor Festival of Colors is the premier kite festival on the west coast.
This event is made for kite fliers of all skill levels with special events for kids.
In the past we have had kite fliers coming from as far away as India, Canada,
and many from the western United States. We are located in Grays Harbor on the
Washington State central coast.
Our festival is usually on the first full weekend (Fri, Sat, and Sun) in June.
Our flying beach is famous for the consistency of the winds and mild temperatures,
usually low to mid sixties at the time of the festival. Join us for some fair weather and fun times!